This is a continuation of the Likes and Dislikes of the other words, this is a Part II of what I have shared earlier on the pleasures of th Devil. These disclosures were based on revelations and admissions of words from the devil through the exorcisms carried out by the late Fr. Pellegrino Ernetti, a Catholic exorcist and his collaborators.
Remember the exhortation of the Apostle John in 1 Jn 3: 8?
'Indeed the Son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the devil.' As extreme as the light and darkness, so is the Lord God and the devil. For when light shines unto darkness, the light envelopes the darkness. And when Jesus was sent into the world by the Heavenly Daddy, and became man, He was actually the light that the devil dreaded most (Way to go, Jesus!). Remember when Jesus said, 'I am the light of the world'? (Jn 8:12). Yet many attempts were made to destroy Jesus but eventually Heavenly Daddy's plan is greater than anything else in this world.
And with Jesus, I remembered God’s promise in Gen 3:15, when God said to the devil who, then took in the form of a serpent, ‘I will put enmity between you (serpent, devil) and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head while you strike at his heel.’ From this Word of God, He has actually declared unending hostility and disputes between snakes (serpent, devil) and God's people. And this moment too, God has declared His promise to send a Redeemer for us, the fallen mankind through a woman who will bear an offspring.
Based on these verses, I will share about what the devil detests most.
1. Confession makes the devil suffer because it washes the very souls of God’s children with the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Every time a person goes to confession, the devil (admitted by the devil during exorcisms) that when the Blood of Christ washes away our sins and iniquities, it brings pain to him. Therefore, this is the diabolical implication of what Jesus has done to the world through His death and resurrection to the devil. This points back to 1 Jn 3:8, there Jesus came to destroy to works of the devil, which the devil despises most because his kingdom was going to doomsday.
2. The Eucharist and as the devil stated it, ‘the meal where you eat the Body and Blood of the Crucified’. The devil stated that he become hopeless and has no strength to fight when Eucharist is celebrated. This is because God's people become in communion with Him. As stated by the devil, those who nourish themselves with this bread and drink of the Blood become very strong against the devil, become unconquerable to the devil’s wicked temptations and seductions. These people as the devil stated, has a special light and sharper intelligence. And the devil calls them ‘cannibals’, not so much as defined by the word ‘cannibal’ but rather, these people who adore and love celebrating the Eucharist can discern the devil instantaneously and keep away from the devil. How he hated these people!
3. Hours of adoration to the Blessed Sacrament or rather, as the devil called it… ‘Those spending hours and hours, day and night, kneeling, adoring a piece of bread’. These people who adore the Blessed Sacrament, the Body of Christ, actually destroy the devil’s plan and success which the devil tried to draw from many sacrilegious Christians and religious. The devil calls these ‘the irrational adoration’.
4. Devil’s hate for the rosary for the devil said that ‘it is like a hammer that cracks his head.’ The devil calls Mother Mary the wicked woman, the devil’s enemy who hinders the devil from reining the world. Hhmm…remember God’s word in Gen 3:15 when God said that He will put enmity between the woman and the devil? Based on the Word of God, the devil has truly lived out the emnity between him and the woman; Mother Mary.
5. ‘Continuous presence of apparitions of this wicked woman over the world’ Appearances of Mother Mary has persecuted the devil by snatching many souls from the devil’s bondages…thousands and thousands of souls! (However, before believing apparitions, it would be advisable to consult with the nearest parish priest or bishop to obtain validity of the apparitions. Remember, the devil can also disguise himself in apparitions?)
6. ‘The blind obedience of the man, dressed in white; the Pope.’ The Pope who commands in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer, who ardently devoted to Mother Mary destroys the kingdom of darkness as stated by the devil. And what does the devil do? He tried to stir up Christians to fight and oppose the Pope. The devil has declared war without restraint to the Pope through Christians because the Pope crushes the devil.
7. Contemplative religious who pray and fast and sacrifice themselves to God. The devil admitted to being terribly fearful of these contemplative religious for they are the most terrible and aggressive enemies. When they pray and fast for the conversion of many souls, the devil is at loss. These religious perseveres, were very tenacious and hardheaded through their penances, fasting and prayers.
8. Exorcists as claimed by the devil to be his great enemy because they are God's warriors in the battle against the kingdom of darkness. The devil tried to counter-attack these exorcists with many ways through their health by giving sicknesses to them, attacking them at the weakest or strongest areas of the exorcists’ life. But sad to the devil, these exorcists persist in their works for God. It is an unrestricted battle against exorcists and to those (laypersons) who have devoted their lives to become God's warriors in deliverance. Because exorcisms and deliverance cast out evil spirits in people, releasing them of the bondages of the devil. This is a pain and agony for the devil.
Even at the time of Jesus, the devil and his legion were terrified with Jesus. I recalled the deliverance stories from the Gospels about how the legion were scared of Jesus in Mark 5:1-20. The unclean spirit asked Jesus, ‘What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me!’ Another unclean spirit almost revealed Jesus’ identity when the unclean spirit said, ‘What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.’ Wow, even the devil of the spiritual realm acknowledged Jesus as the Son of the Most High God!
And now, we can see that the devil is still and will always be terrified of Jesus Christ and to add into the devil’s hate list; Mother Mary and also all those who follow and obey Jesus Christ.
Without realising, the devil has revealed many truths to us. Through the dislikes and likes of the devil we see the elements of negativism and positivism. But these two elements that is of the devil will always be diabolical for us, who follows and adore Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is up to us, whether to do, or not to do, to avoid or to follow and learn from these sharing.
What more can we ask? Even the beings of the spiritual realm has, not realising, acknowledged the supremacy and identity of Jesus Christ. I think there has never been such statements made to any prophets of God by the devil and its legions.
I have had my share in experiencing Jesus ;D either by witnessing the sessions of deliverance where the evil spirits were terrified at the name of Jesus Christ or personal encounter with Jesus Himself. From these experiences, I have been made stronger in my faith because I have witnessed the greatness of my Living God. Yes, I must admit, when I was young, I was sceptical about my religion and faith (Forgive me, Lord for being like this). I thought, 'What if I was being deceived from the truth? What if all that I believed was a hoax? What if the Bible was a human error?' and all the 'what ifs' used to play in my mind. But God is almighty and knows all things. He even knows the depths of Lidwina! Even during my first true encounter with Him, I was sceptical and fighting back, did not want to believe it. And I kept on asking myself, 'was it a visual hallucination?'. However, when I looked up to the DSM-IV reference book (psychiatric refence book for classification of illnesses), I do not meet any criteria or condition to be classified to have hallucinations, either organic or in psychiatric in nature. And the Lord, being the Creator of me, Lidwina, was all understanding and patient in carrying out His plan on me based on His time frame and will. Reflecting back now, I thanked the Lord for making me go through what I needed to go through. Because through my times of scepticism and doubts about God, He has carved a way for me to experience Him. It is true when my lecturer used to say, we sometimes need to 'disagree to agree' (hehehe, it's the other way round!). When I finally realised about all these scepticism and doubts of mine, I remembered the sceptical Apostle Thomas who refused to believed that Jesus Christ has actually resurrected even though the other apostles actually met the resurrected Jesus in person. And what did Thomas said to the other apostles to make him believe that Jesus is really resurrected? Apostle Thomas said, 'Unless I see the marks of the nails in his hands and out my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side I will not believe.' (Jn 20:25). And what happened after that? Jesus, being the Son of Most High, the Living God, knows the heart of man. A week after the statement was made, He went through the locked doors where the apostles were gathered and told Thomas to put his fingers through the nailmarks and see Jesus' hands and bring his hand and put it into Jesus' side and told Thomas to believed that this is really Jesus standing by Thomas! (Jn 20: 26-27)
Well, anyway, back to the main story, the revelations about the likes and dislikes of the devil has taught me on the fear of the Lord thus learn the ways of showing my love and adoration for the Lord through the dislikes of the devil. It was not through blind faith that I have believed what I believed in this book. I have also had experiences where Jesus was truly the Son of the Most High God in heaven. Well, that will be shared in the future soon! ;D Anyway, I was ever so grateful to be chosen to know and believe in Him ;)
Thank you, devil, for your revelation..and now, we know what you detest most, is what the Lord in heaven loves most!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
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