Saturday, October 27, 2007

Likes and Dislikes of the Devil Part I

"Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore take unto you the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect."
(Ephesians 6.12-13)

The Bible has clearly portrays the influence of Satan even from the early days of Adam and Eve, starting from the Original Sin (read Gen 3: 1-21). Since the fall of our first parents, the Devil together with his legions has been roaming around the world, destroying the very nature of God in humans. But Praise God, Beloved Jesus Christ decended from heaven, to be one like us and taught us how to battle and discern the Devil. And to this very day, battle with this influence of the spirit of darkness. It is true when St Paul wrote in his letters to the Ephesians, that the battle of humans against the devil will be ‘against principalities and power, against the spirit of wickedness in high places’, because this is all so much of a reality to the world today. The devil is getting more cunning and is using the minds and bodies of people to carry out His works of doom unto humanity.

I have come across the diabolical catechesis, shared by the late Fr. Pellegrino Maria Ernetti (1925-1994) in his book entitled ‘The likes and dislikes of the Devil’. He was one of the famous Exorcists of the diocese of Rome who has written few books. The diabolical catechesis here is collected from the words and arguments during the exorcisms sessions that Fr. Pellegrino Maria Ernetti had in the presence of collaborators and registered in magnetic tapes.

Diabolical catechesis below, is the summary of what gratifies Devil, or rather, what is positive for Satan, and indeed is negative for us, humans. Here, I have extracted the ten likes of the Devil, and, in the coming Part 2, dislikes of the Devil. Many will be surprised how an innocent object or issue is actually overshadowed by the enigmatic influence of the Devil to bring humanity to doomsday.

I was not disturbed or terrified when reading this book. Instead, I was amazed at how desperate the Devil in trying to attract followers and making them his legion of darkness, desperate in his attempt to fill up the hell. But eventually I know that, no matter how hard Satan tried, our Lord God will eventually triumph over this battle between good and evil (see Rev 20:7-10), Amen!

The Likes of the Devil…

1.The profanation of the Sacred Eucharist through the black masses.
2. Religious people committing sacrileges, camouflaged and disguised under the name of God, whom, are actually serving the kingdom of darkness.
3. Priests and religious belonging to the Free Masonry and the Satan’s sects.
4. Immorality in feminine attire; short skirts and alike to make people to fall into the sin of flesh through our minds and actions.
5. Television; the programmes shown, subtle and penetrating (especially explicit programmes such as X-rated movies, shows which showcase magic, astrology, withcraft, to name a few) ) is claimed by the Devil to break the families up. The religious, too are not spared from indulging in this form of entertainment, the Devil attract them through the hours and cease them to pray. Additionally, music has also become a media for the Devil to pollute the minds of people of all ages especially the young ones.
6. Disco-clubs; golden palaces where alcohol, drugs, sexual acts are a continued harvest in here, to bring down the best hopes of society by destroying their souls and bodies.
7. Attack upon the marriage institution through divorce and separation.
8. Instead of the guilty parents, the Devil succumbs to the killing of humanity, the innocent ones, through abortion.
9. Abuse of drugs; the bittersweet food to bring humans to madness
10. Denial of the real existence and the works of demons in this world; this belief, as proclaimed by some theologians and religious, will eventually help Satan to work peacefully without much distractions in bringing many souls into his kingdom of darkness.

I have not the least of intention to cause a stir in the hearts of believers, but calls for reflection and examination of conscience. Hopefully this calls for a return to the House of God and renewal of relationship with God. As for the rest, this hopes to call for penance and fervent prayers.

Fr. Faroni, A. (translator) (n.d.). The likes and dislikes of the devil by Fr. Pellegrino Maria Ernetti. Manila: Diocese of Manila.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Who is Mr. S. A. Tan?

Who is Satan to you? Many would give answers like ‘the enemy of God’, 'evil spirit', 'name that symbolises the bad kingdom' to name a few. A friend of mine defined Satan as ‘a form or being who seductively tempt people to fall into sin.’

As for me, Satan is an angel, a creation of the Almighty God, masterpiece of perfection and purity, endowed with free will and intellect. Satan, named Lucifer, was given the authority and superiority by God, over all the angels. However, Lucifer misunderstood the authority and superiority given as the same authority over everything that God created. He wished to be like God with all the authority that was given to him (Is 14: 13-14). I believed that Satan, like many other angels, was created for the glory of God. But it was through Satan’s perverted will, that is pride, that he has chosen to go against God. He refused to submit to God and wanted the love and glory all for himself. But remember, all the glory and honour was never his. According to St. Augustine, it is impossible for a proud person not to be envious. In the case of Satan, the sin of pride followed the sin of envy towards God’s good rapport with His children (that’s us!). He was jealous to see such beautiful relationship between God with Adam and Eve in the haven of Eden. Satan and the fallen angels were, in other words, sad to see the children’s good relationship with God. Satan wanted so much to destroy this beautiful relationship that God's children experience with their Creator. He has succeeded in severing it during the time of our first parents, Adam and Eve.
Despite the fact that Satan is against Him, God is good and indeed, God is Love. He did not reject his creature. God still allowed Satan and his fallen angels to maintain their power and rank (thrones, dominions, principalities,authority and powers) even if they use their authority and superiority for evil purposes. Saint Augustine did not exaggerate when he claims that, if God gave Satan a free hand, no man would be left alive. However, God will only allow Satan and his fallen angels to limited influence upon humans. This permission or rather this authority did not come naturally on Satan but this was God-given; to inflict pain upon human’s physical body but Satan will never be able to possess the soul. Please recall in Job 1: 12, whereby there was a conversation between God and Satan about a man named Job. God has summoned Satan, or rather given the authority to Satan by saying to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power but do not lay a hand upon his person'. To know more about Job, how about looking up at the Book of Job and indulge in it? (after the book of Macabees and before the Book of Psalms). We are being affirmed here that, Satan can neither kill us nor possess our souls, but he can inflict us with pain (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, mental, to name a few) and manipulate our worldly possessions. He will try, by every means that are within the boundaries that God has made for Satan, to try to make humans into his followers in opposition to God, just as he is in opposition to God. Therefore, since the beginning of the creation to this very moment, he is vehemently and cunningly attracting and gathering humans to increase the population in his kingdom of darkness. However it is by free choice of humans that they choose to follow the Satan’s league.

We may ask, why did God allow this? St. Augustine continued to tell us that this permission is to punish us and to test us temporarily. In my opinion, God allows all this for the glory of His kingdom. Like what Jesus has said when He was questioned about the man born blind in Jn 9:1-3; so that the works of God (healing) may be made visible through him (the blind man). In other words, this man was being born blind so that, when the right time comes as according to God, the work of God can be made; healing to his blindness, that is, he is able to see again! This will eventually be a great testimony about God; how God brought a great miracle through the imperfection of this man. And for the agape love and mercy for humanity, God has brought down His Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ into this world to reconcile man and God again after the relationship is being severed by the fall of the temptation of Satan. My friends, going back to the story of Job, we are made affirmed by St Thomas Aquinas that the power of the Satan and his counterparts is not absolute and sovereign but restricted to the limits established by the power of God. Satan, a creation of God since the beginning, will always remain God’s creation for eternity (Amen!).

Friday, October 19, 2007

with Love, from Lot to Lidz....

This poem was presented to me as Christmas gift by a talented, poetic lady named Lot, a Filipino caregiver whom I first met in the medical centre where I am working. She was assigned to look after an old lady for about two weeks. During these two weeks, she has been observing me and thus, (according to her) the birth of this poem. Lot observed me as I go through the ups and downs of my daily schedules; attending to patients, doctors ward rounds and sometimes colleagues in the ward.
The short but fruitful time has also allowed our friendship to blossom. We enjoyed each other’s company and talked much whenever we have the opportunity. Well, some friendships just do not fade away with time, eh? My friendship with her definitely did not fade! Despite the great distance between us, we still manage to contact each other once in a blue moon & update each other. We know that our friendship is always alive and that we will keep each other in prayer always.

My dear Lot, remember that I promised your sometime ago to post one of your poems in the Net or the papers? I am realising it now!

This poem should be dedicated to all the health care personnel and caregivers who have persevered in caring for people and especially to those who felt that their work is not appreciated…and this includes you, Fabio! Savour this poem and tell yourself that ‘I am an angel, a visible angel…’


In the world where we exists today,
there are still angels visible to come our way
who understand words we don’t even say
who trust us and believe, come what may.

These angels may not have wings or crowns
They may be persons who got some downs
They may be walking behind with no sound
But their faces surely bear no frown

Being with them maybe an hour or two
Enough to lift us for what they do
The words they say goes through the soul within you
For their essence touch anyone deeply through

Wherever we may go,
Why not take time to look around?
For when we do
How much more can we be astound
For anywhere we turn
Angels we can see still abounds
Yes, maybe new friends or old ones sweetly found

And you are an angel, visible, do you not know?
You help the worthy ones wherever they go
For truth sake, the only time you say “No”
But often you lead up friends you care to show.

How blessed am I to be one of your friends
For the assistance you gave to me with no end
You are one of the visible angels God lovingly send
To offer us your willing helping hands

But though an angel
You too got your ups and downs
Your eyes may bear pain with tears so freely flow
At times, no loving words can comfort
Your spirit really low
And yet as angels do, how bravely you face tomorrows
May God bless you then our angel dear
May He will take away your worldly fears
May He wipe out your flowing tears
And send you angels too throughout the years