Friday, October 19, 2007

with Love, from Lot to Lidz....

This poem was presented to me as Christmas gift by a talented, poetic lady named Lot, a Filipino caregiver whom I first met in the medical centre where I am working. She was assigned to look after an old lady for about two weeks. During these two weeks, she has been observing me and thus, (according to her) the birth of this poem. Lot observed me as I go through the ups and downs of my daily schedules; attending to patients, doctors ward rounds and sometimes colleagues in the ward.
The short but fruitful time has also allowed our friendship to blossom. We enjoyed each other’s company and talked much whenever we have the opportunity. Well, some friendships just do not fade away with time, eh? My friendship with her definitely did not fade! Despite the great distance between us, we still manage to contact each other once in a blue moon & update each other. We know that our friendship is always alive and that we will keep each other in prayer always.

My dear Lot, remember that I promised your sometime ago to post one of your poems in the Net or the papers? I am realising it now!

This poem should be dedicated to all the health care personnel and caregivers who have persevered in caring for people and especially to those who felt that their work is not appreciated…and this includes you, Fabio! Savour this poem and tell yourself that ‘I am an angel, a visible angel…’


In the world where we exists today,
there are still angels visible to come our way
who understand words we don’t even say
who trust us and believe, come what may.

These angels may not have wings or crowns
They may be persons who got some downs
They may be walking behind with no sound
But their faces surely bear no frown

Being with them maybe an hour or two
Enough to lift us for what they do
The words they say goes through the soul within you
For their essence touch anyone deeply through

Wherever we may go,
Why not take time to look around?
For when we do
How much more can we be astound
For anywhere we turn
Angels we can see still abounds
Yes, maybe new friends or old ones sweetly found

And you are an angel, visible, do you not know?
You help the worthy ones wherever they go
For truth sake, the only time you say “No”
But often you lead up friends you care to show.

How blessed am I to be one of your friends
For the assistance you gave to me with no end
You are one of the visible angels God lovingly send
To offer us your willing helping hands

But though an angel
You too got your ups and downs
Your eyes may bear pain with tears so freely flow
At times, no loving words can comfort
Your spirit really low
And yet as angels do, how bravely you face tomorrows
May God bless you then our angel dear
May He will take away your worldly fears
May He wipe out your flowing tears
And send you angels too throughout the years

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