Tuesday, May 19, 2009

10 things you may not know about Lidz

1) I like to spend time with the senior citizens

2) I can be overly commited to my work...aka lots of OTs...

3) Yes, I do write poems, both English & Bahasa Melayu...if I knew how to write in Mandarin, I would've start writing poems in Mandarin too!

4) I felt so much alive & refreshed after intercessory sessions :)

5) I was sick for at least 2 months while in uni & doctors suspected that I may have blood cancer. However, I went to my first pilgrimage at Mt Singai, Bau & was healed there :)

6) I have hearing problem in my left ear. When I was 10 years old, my sister 'korek' my left ear until it bled while I was sleeping.

7) I love babies but I dread the thought of going through labour pains....

8) I love to dance!

9) I prefer home-cooked food compared to eating outside...save money but banyak keraja la...

10)I can massage & do reflexology :)

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